Daniel Way and Marjorie Liu's shocking announcement that they will be parting ways with the book after issue #9, makes me wonder what the future will hold for the son of Wolverine. I'm very disappointed to hear that the Liu/Way writing team will be no more, because I thought they were doing an exceptional job with Daken: Dark Wolverine.
I'm not a fan of speculation, but I still have a thought in the back of my head: Will Daken die?
There a chance that the series could be finished after their departure since no succeeding writer has been announced yet. So can Way and Liu be playing us in the X-Position interview when they talk about their faith in the new writer? If that's the case, it would be a shame. Either way, the fact that it CAN happen makes things that much more interesting. If I am completely off (which I probably am) you can pretend you didn't hear it from me, but if it does happen (there's a chance) then HA! I was right. If not, it will be interesting to see someone else take the reigns and give their vision of Daniel Way's character.
Read the inteview HERE
Your thoughts on the unexpected departure of the creative team?
All I can say about this news when I first saw it was simply "UGH"! Way was my favorite writer of 2010, and Daken: Dark Wolverine was my favorite book, so this news really bummed me out... It's hard to imagine anybody but Way writing Daken... It really is. Granted, it has happened before(Bendis and Dark Avengers), so I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best, the best being a competent writer continuing the Dark Wolverine series, because killing off a character as multifaceted as Daken would be criminal...
ReplyDeleteYes it would be criminal. I actually doubt he will die, but I don't want to jinx it. Regardless, it's too bad that Way and Liu are off the book. It's hard to imagine Daken without Way, but I guess it was bound to happen eventually. Let's hope he's in good hands.
ReplyDeleteI don't know... I mean I could see Way and Liu killing Daken off if they felt that was the best move for the character, but yeah, that would be just flat out awful! I guess the bottom line is to wait and see who gets announced as the writer for issue #10... Provided there IS an issue #10. I'll tell you this much, once I see the solicit for issue #10 I'll breathe a big sigh of relief!
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree that Way and Liu would be willing. I don't know what to think, really. There shouldn't be reason to be concerned, yet there is. It's kind of in limbo right now. I'll be waiting for the solicitation as well. If you think about it, there's plenty of oppurtunities for him to die in the coming months haha. We have Collision as well as the showdown with Bucky, which I believe Way said was going to be brutal.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that eventual battle with Bucky is what actually has me the most worried... Daken has always prided himself with being in control of everything around him, but I could see him losing his cool to get revenge on Bucky. And going after a guy with Bucky's training, as well as the backing of Steve Rogers AND the Avengers could lead to some really bad, potentially fatal consequences.
ReplyDeleteThen again, maybe Way will "kill" Daken in such a way that he leaves the door open for Daken to return down the road in a Romulus type situation. I mean Daken has already faked his death once, why not do it on a grand stage, in front of Captain America and the Avengers, especially since he revealed to the FF that he wasn't dead. That way Daken can build his Empire behind the scenes and return like a year later in some sort of huge Wolvie/X-Men event. Who knows though! I could spend all day trying to figure out what could happen!
Yeah that makes sense too. It's definitely something Daken would do. Then again, we could be way off. It actually could be as simple as Way being too busy and Liu focusing on X-23 and her novels, just like they said lol.
ReplyDeleteI was gonna add another thing, but it might be a little spoilerish, so I won't say it just in case you don't read solicitations (I rarely ever do). It's not a huge deal, but it was something I thought was interesting.
Btw, I'm talking about the solicitation and cover of Daken #8.
ReplyDeleteHA! It would be funny if we were getting all worked up over this and we'll simply get a new writer for Daken #10! That's the hope anyway.
ReplyDeleteI usually get that Marvel Previews book at my CB shop, and I did actually see the cover for Daken #8(as well as X-23 #9). I usually try to avoid in depth spoilers, and I'll skip a solicit if I feel it'll really hurt my enjoyment of a storyline, but with all this Daken news lately, I couldn't help but read the solicits for both those comics!
Out of curiousity Josh, do you have any particular writer(s) you'd like to see take over at Daken #10?
Hmmmm...nothing off the top of my head. That's something I'll have to think about.
ReplyDeleteHe died not long time ago..Manipulated by sabretooth as the leader of the new brotherhood of evil!! It`s a shame!! He was too good for Marvel i guess!!! I don`t care...He killed the Punisher for real!!